Thinking about growing your own cannabis in Colorado? Maximize your allowed plant count while staying compliant under amendment 64. This article covers recreational cultivation for Colorado residence aged 21 and above. Local municipalities rules and regulations differ, but the general rule is adults 21 and up are allowed to cultivate six cannabis plants per household. With this amount of plants you can perpetually grow three pounds every two months while maintaining your good neighbor status.
I neglect to discuss medical marijuana, which is individually based on qualifying medical conditions. Obtaining a medical marijuana card is a very involved process as you will need to see an expensive doctor, and complete an application with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. In some circumstances when medical patients are finally approved they are permitted to grow 99 plants! Understand your local regulations before sowing seeds to ensure you cultivation is compliant in 2019.
In most counties adults aged 21 and up are permitted to cultivate six plants per household. In Denver adults are allowed to cultivate 12 plants per household twice the amount of its neighboring municipalities. In both cases a maximum of three plants are allowed to be in the flowering stage at any given time. In drastic comparison you can move to Longmont, CO where you and four unrelated individuals can share a house and each is allowed to grow six plants. That’s 30 plants allowed on premises half of which can be in the flowering stage!
If renting I suggest you be honest and upfront with your landlord, and ask for written authorization to grow as this is required in most counties. By now I assume most landlords here in Colorado have dealt with marijuana grows, and they will appreciate the transparency. You may need to rely on your landlord for future general maintenance. You wouldn’t want to put yourself in the position of them coming over to find you growing marijuana in their house. Not to mention the peace of mind you will gain by being open and honest about cultivating cannabis.
Amendment 64 specifies that marijuana plants are to be grown in an enclosed locked space out of public view. That being said marijuana plants cannot be grown outside. Along with this law there are two clauses specifying the level of security needed based on occupying residence ages. If your household contains members under the age of 21 the grow area must be fully enclosed, key locked, and inaccessible to them. On the flip side if there are no individuals under 21 living in the household you must take basic precautions to ensure visitors don’t gain access to your cannabis plants. Be safe and lock it up, or you may be held liable if a minor gains access to your stash.

One thing all counties can agree on is odor mitigation. If the smell of marijuana crosses the boundaries of your property you are in direct violation and subject to ticketing. Once while growing the police came knocking at my front door following up on an anonymous odor complaint. Upon investigation they found no smell, wished me a good day, and respectfully left my property. To eliminate odor growers alike utilize activated carbon filters along with proper air ventilation to ensure compliance.
If you ever find yourself in violation of amendment 64 don’t panic. Typically you’ll be given one week to remediate the situation or face further penalties. Worst case scenario you’ll be fined $500, and be asked to cull a few plants, mitigate odor, or install door locks depending on the violation. Just because you are growing marijuana in your home does not subject you to illegal search and seizures. Law enforcement is only allowed to enter your premises under your consent or with a court issued search warrant. If law enforcement ever comes knocking at your door remain calm, show respect, and be honest after all you’re simply cultivating a plant.