Equipment Review
With the EZ Wander Trimmer I now average 2-3 lbs. wet trim weight per hour. I have cut harvest time from one week to one day using a six man team! The initial cost of the machine is well worth it when you are saving 70% on labor. It allows me to efficiently take down my flower room in one day and have it filled and ready to go the next. I recommend this product to all growers wanting to save priceless time while maintaining quality. Set up a FREE DEMO with a CanniGrow Consultant! After a fast outdoor harvest using the EZ Satellite Trimmer, I decided to try their Wander Trimmer on my precious indoor colas. I am posting this review after renting, buying, and standing by my new EZ Wander Trimmer.
Caution watch fingers and clothes carelessness may result in injury. The vacuum is meant to pull sugar leaves into the blade, so keep everything else away. Watch out for stems coming into contact with the blade, this will result in a dangerous whipping/ jerking motion. Properly securing the wand and vacuum hose together with the supplied straps will protect against this. (You may want to watch the supplied DVD). Like all machinery use caution, and don’t smoke too much! EZ 10 minute set-up had us trimming in no time! Simply piece together the wand, attach, and secure hoses, plug in motor, vacuum, speed controller, and you’re ready to trim. Once the vacuum is pulling and blade spinning, trim in a motion similar to that of peeling a potato. The Wander easily glades over the bud and next thing you know you’re on to the next branch. Remove trim from bucket every ½ hour; lay it on a drying screen.
Now there are 2 ways of maintaining the machine that should be done during operation. This first method of maintenance involves tapping the Wander Trimmer on a sponge saturated with water. This keeps the buildup inside the wand moist and reduces drag on the blade. The second method of maintenance involves using a cheap crock pot. With the vacuum off submerge and run wand in crock pot filled of hot water for 30 seconds every hour. Ensure water is properly drained from wand before turning on the vacuum, so that water does not go down hose into your trim bucket. I suggest this method for anyone looking to blast wax out of the trim. Cleanup is a breeze after use clean of all the resin on the blade using the crook pot method. Empty the contents of the hose and bucket into your drying rack. Next fill an empty bucket with soap water and vacuum it through the wander. Rinses the soap out and repeat this process with water to keep this machine clean.
With the EZ Wander Trimmer I now average 2-3 lbs. wet trim weight per hour. I have cut harvest time from one week to one day using a six man team! The initial cost of the machine is well worth it when you are saving 70% on labor. It allows me to efficiently take down my flower room in one day and have it filled and ready to go the next.
The EZ Wander Trimmer gives me a close hand trimmed appearance. Wander vs. Hand Trimmed came out looking the same, but I noticed hand trimmed had the cut trim still stuck to it. The Wander vacuums up all the trimmed left behind. It made me question if it was sucking up more than just the leaf, so I took this zoomed in trichromes picture of Chew Dawg trimmed with the EZ Wander. As you can see the trichrome heads were still intact. I recommend this product to all growers wanting to save priceless time while maintaining quality.